Print - L'affaire Magazine Vol 31
Print - L'affaire Magazine Vol 31
Why so much anger!
Happy New Year.
It is more than 2 years that the world is dealing with Covid 19. It has evolved with our daily life. If we believe in democracy and freedom of speech (non-existence objects), we should start practising listening to those who have different views and still stay united as a society. It seems unvaccinated people are angrier in society and their anger is targeting their friends and families.
A friend of mine messaged me after a year and directly asked me about my political views and being vaccinated. I responded accordingly to her questions. Then her response was shocking! She said that I am supporting fascist and she was happy that she asked the question because she can filter people out of her life!
Why so much anger? Why do we have to filter people based on their politics, religion and any views they may have? We should build a united society and don’t allow politicians and religious leaders to divide us.
Stay calm, safe, be kind and respect each other.
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