Beauty & fashion in Persia


BY Goshtasp Mohammadi

Photographer: Goshtasp Mohammadi

Models: Fasima Dmirchi/  IG: @shadieh.h

                 Shadieh Hosseini- Nia/  IG: @farsimadamirchi

Makeup artist: Aida Kamranilou

Fashion in Iran, due to it’s past history, has always been efected by constant changes which we can divide into two parts, “Before Islam”, and “After Islam”.

Iran with all it’s different rulers & conquerors in past, and all the different cultures that have made this land their home or a efcted this culture in some way, like Mongolians and Indians from east,

or Arabs and Turks from west, has always had a diverse variety in fashion.

In all simplicity of covering yourself which is a must in Iranian culture; the colors, the cuts and the motifs are still unique.

In the contemporary world of today which saw the clothing and the fashion got modernized and more practical, we can still see the beauty of designs that are in influenced by our traditional architecture, illustration and paintings. The form of manteaus (Manteau coming from french, is a long or short, loose or tight coat or over-shirt worn by Muslim women), the pattern of the scarfs and shaals, the coats and the shirts all and all make our clothing more unique.

Due to the fact that fashion illuminates itself mostly in women wearing Hijab, which is an important part of out culture, can provide various harmonies and color passages in our fashion.

Fortunately now-days fashion designers are injecting culture directly into fashion, and although it’s just the beginning of this path, I think they are absolutely successful and even avant-garde sometimes.